Roman Catholic Readings for August 25, 2019

The Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest group of Christians in the world. There are about 1 billion members, mostly in Europe, Northward and South America. The church goes back to about xxx A.D., to the life of Jesus Christ and his apostles. Roman Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that he rose to heaven later on being crucified.  They believe that Jesus brought salvation to all people on World.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church and successor of Jesus Christ on World is the Pope. He governs the church from the Vatican, a small state situated in the eye of Rome. The Pope selects cardinals and bishops to pb the church throughout the world.

The Roman Catholic Church has influenced history more than than any other organisation. It exercised its power throughout the Centre Ages. Missionaries travelled to other continents to spread Catholicism.  Great architects created churches and cathedrals, artists drew paintings and made frescoes.

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome - Center of the Roman Catholic Church

St. Peter'southward Basilica in Rome - Eye of the Roman Cosmic Church - Rolf Süßbrich

The Beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church building

The behavior of Catholics are based on the Bible. Creeds are short statements of organized religion that Catholics believe in and recite in mass.

Roman Catholics believe that there is only a unmarried God, who exists in iii persons – the Male parent, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of these people, however, personifies God. They also believe that God created the universe, the earth, human beings and everything else on Globe. Believers in the Roman Catholic organized religion also worship the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

God wanted human beings to live forever, just like him. Only because the first man, Adam, did non obey God, the sin he committed was passed on to the rest of humanity. The church says that everyone is born with this original sin. God sent his son Jesus Christ to World to save everyone from sin. During the latter role of his life Jesus spent much time with his followers, apostles who would continue his teachings after his death. Roman Catholics celebrate 2 important events in the life of Jesus: Christmas, the nativity of Jesus Christ and Easter, the resurrection of Jesus.

Co-ordinate to Catholic beliefs, life does not end with death. The soul leaves its bodily course and rises to heaven, purgatory or hell. Heaven is the place where God wants anybody to be, purgatory is a place in which those who take sinned against God stay for a short time and are cleaned of their sins. A person is punished in Hell considering they have not lived God's life.

The Cosmic Church teaches people to behave in certain ways. They must beloved God and their fellow homo beings. It asks its followers to live a life equally Jesus had, to follow their consciences.


There are seven sacraments in the Roman Cosmic Church building. These are rituals that all proficient Catholics perform.

  • Baptism is an effect in which a child, or sometimes an developed, is cleaned from their original sin. Water is poured over a person as a sign of cleaning and starting a new life.
  • Confirmation is usually performed at the age of 14 or xv, when a child turns into a immature adult. A bishop or priest puts oil on the forehead of a worshipper equally a sign of strength.
  • The Eucharist or mass is normally a Sunday celebration. Information technology consists of prayers, hymns and texts from the Bible.  A priest turns bread and vino into Christ'southward body and claret. At communion worshippers eat Christ's body in form of a host.
  • Confession is a sacrament in which Catholics tell their sins to a priest.  They promise to God that they are deplorable for what they have done.
  • Holy orders are sacraments that turn young men into priests or bishops. They then atomic number 82 their community in the proper noun of God.
  • Marriage is a sacrament in which man and woman promise to alive together in a family unit.
  • The anointment of the sick is a sacrament that is given to a person who is very ill and in danger of dying. The priest anoints a ill person with oil and frees them from sin then that they tin can ascent to sky.

Baptism of a child

Baptism of a kid - Tom Adriaenssen

How the Church is organized

Catholics in a small town or village are usually organized in a parish.  Priests or deacons are in charge of celebrating mass and performing other rituals in church. Today, more and more lay people have tasks in the Roman Catholic Church. They read passages from the Bible at mass and sometimes give others communion.

A diocese is a group of many parishes that is supervised by a bishop. The bishop appoints the priests who lead the parishes. He as well is in accuse of other religious organizations in his diocese. Bishops are responsible for instruction and guiding people in their region.

The Pope is the leader of the Roman Cosmic Church. Catholics respect the Pope as Jesus Christ's representative on Earth. He is supported by chosen bishops, called cardinals, and the Roman curia, the Pope's authoritative organization. The Curia represents the Vatican in other countries, writes documents or deals with cases of abuse within the church.

History of the Roman Catholic Church

The history of the Roman Catholic Church begins with the life and decease of Jesus Christ, almost 2,000 years ago. Paul, the Apostle, is often seen as the founder of the Church. He carried the word of Jesus Christ to the people. Many churches were built throughout the Roman Empire. During this time Christianity spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. The Romans, who ruled these areas had their own organized religion and at first persecuted and mistreated Christians. At around 300 AD Christianity became the master Roman religion. By this fourth dimension there were two capitals in the empire: in Rome and Constantinople (now Istanbul).

When the western part of the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century Christianity all the same had a major influence in Europe. The bishops in Constantinople often disagreed with the popes of western Rome, who were becoming more and more powerful. In 1054 the church carve up into an eastern and a western branch. The eastern half became the Orthodox Church and the western half became the Roman Catholic Church.

During the Centre Ages the Roman Catholic Church was the most powerful organization in western Europe. It not only had religious power but also gained more and more political power. Popes launched Crusades to conquer back the Holy State from Muslims. Kings and leaders in the west were very ofttimes in directly disharmonize with the Pope and his bishops.
In the 14th century cardinals elected a French Pope who did not want to become to Rome. For about seventy years there were two popes who fought for ability, one in Avignon and 1 in Rome. Every bit the Roman Catholic Church became weaker people began to pause away and form new Christian churches.

Martin Luther, a German monk, began the reformation movement in the early on 16th century. Primal and Northern Europe became Protestant while the Mediterranean regions remained Roman Catholic. In England Henry VIII broke away from Rome and founded the Anglican Church.

Nevertheless, Roman Catholicism expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration. Explorers and settlers brought Catholic beliefs to the New World. Castilian, Portuguese and French missionaries prepare up churches and colonized areas in North and South America.

As fourth dimension went on the Pope's influence in Europe diminished and he lost much of his land. Past 1870 merely the Vatican City remained. The Roman Catholic Church faced changes in society equally well every bit new theories in science, which it was generally against. In 1962 Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council which dealt with the church building's problems and modernized many things.

Missionary with Brazilian Indians in the 19th century

Missionary with Brazilian Indians in the 19th century

Problems of the Roman Cosmic Church today

Many people, especially in Europe, are turning their backs on the Roman Cosmic Church building for a number of reasons. They claim that the church has failed to live up to the requirements of a 21st century society. Religious experts say the church building is too conservative and not open for modify.
Amongst the well-nigh controversial bug are the celibacy, more rights for women in church building, birth control and homosexuality.

Online Exercises

  • The Roman Catholic Church - Multiple Pick Practice
  • The Roman Catholic Church - Put the events into the correct order
  • The Roman Catholic Church - Vocabulary Matching
  • The Roman Catholic Church - Crossword
  • The Roman Catholic Church - Make full in the missing words

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